crédits photographiques : Clément Gerardin (2), Julien Cadoret (3,4).
Série photographique (28 photographies numériques).
Dimensions variables.
Photography series (28 digital photographies).
Variable dimensions.
Result of a workshop about performance organized by Andreas Paschias, this photographic series consists of a repeated walk during twenty-eight days on a panorama close to the Athenian acropolis to take a picture of the sunrise. At the heart of the Athenian crisis, the "marathon" suggested by Paschias as a work subject has become a symbolic search for hope.
Produit d'un workshop autour de la performance organisé par Andreas Paschias, cette série photographique consiste à l'aller-retour répété vingt-huit matinée sur un panorama proche de l'acropole athénienne afin de prendre en photo le lever de soleil. Au cœur de la crise athénienne, le "marathon" suggéré comme sujet de travail par Paschias est devenu une recherche d'espoir symbolique.
Collective exhibition in Notara 13 & Tositsa, Exarcheia, Athens (Greece) from May 2017 to June 2017.
Collective Exhibition made by ISBA (Fine art institue of Besançon) for the Intemporel Antics Fair,(Micropolis, Besançon), November 2015.
Collective exhibition made by the artist Paschias during the workshop Training for performance, by Epitelesis, Performance Art Foundation in Athens (Greece). September 2015.